Help your students approach assignments effectively:
Enhanced Learning Educational Services (ELES) Study Skills HELP Guide:
- Helps students to learn how to approach assignments effectively.
- Suitable for Years 7-9 students.
This resource consists of 17 pages covering the essential things students need to know about how to approach assignments effectively. Students work through each section (they will need a highlighter) and complete the regular discussion activities with either a parent or a friend. This resource has the essential ‘things you need to know’ to help students approach assignments effectively.
The resource sections are as follows:
- STEP 1: Begin with a 15 minute overview
- STEP 2: Brainstorm the steps that will be involved and schedule the work over the time available
- STEP 3: Ensure you are clear on what to research and structure what you need to find out
- STEP 4: A few more things before you start researching
- STEP 5: Do your research and start writing your assignment
- STEP 6: Proofing your assignment
- STEP 7: Bibliography and formatting
- STEP 8: Submitting your assignment
Price: This resource is supplied in PDF format only and is priced at AUD$7.00. This includes GST and the file is emailed to you directly.
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