Enhanced Learning Educational Services (ELES) Time Management Worksheet set:
LEVEL 4 ‘TIME MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES’ suitable for Year 10 students
Struggling to manage time effectively?
Then this is the resource kit for you!
In three parts, the kit deals with the issue of time management in a user friendly and effective way.
An introduction to what time management is and an assessment of the obstacles that students are currently facing. (Consists of 5 double-sided worksheets.)
Time Management Techniques. 10 clearly explained techniques suitable for Year 10 students to implement.
- The C.U.L.L. System
- Using Deadlines
- The Three P’s
- Alternative Study Places
- Stretch Yourself
- Kill Procrastination
- Chronobiology
- Managing Friends
- Saving Time On-line
- Action Plans
Each technique is outlined on a double-sided worksheet and includes activities for students to complete. (Consists of 10 double-sided worksheets.)
Parents are always looking for ways to help and assist their students. This section consists of a Parents’ Guide to Time Management Techniques for Year 10. (Consists of 5 double-sided pages.)
Price: This resource is supplied in PDF format only and is priced at AUD$27.00. This includes GST and the file is emailed to you directly.
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